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I've styled over 9,000 people...

I can help you too!

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I get it.

You walk into your closet and your blood pressure goes up because you just don't even know where to start. You want to look great in your clothes. You NEED to look good in your clothes but don't know how to get there.

Perhaps you've stood in your closet and CRIED, exclaiming "I have NOTHING to wear!". (This is practically a rite of passage!)

Maybe you're just tired of feeling betrayed by your lack of knowledge as to how to look good on PURPOSE.

Whether you're trying to figure out how to dress better for work, make sense of your closet after a baby, or just upgrade your style to fit your season of life, I think we can ALL agree that being able to dress ourselves well on PURPOSE is a skill we all wish we had. So...

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Going shopping and knowing EXACTLY what you need to be shopping for. No more wasted time aimlessly spending money.

Imagine shopping for that upcoming special event and NOT having to resort to letting your best friend figure it out for you!

Imagine that even if you've gained or lost some weight recently, you know some style tricks that can camouflage your trouble spots while highlighting your assets. #winningatlife

Imagine having a simple strategy for building an outfit that takes you from just "being dressed" to "looking so great today!"

Imagine landing that job promotion you've been praying for because you took the two hours to learn how to dress more stylishly, resulting in your boss taking you more seriously too. (Listen, it's not prejudice, it's science. It's a real thing.)

Imagine your dating life improving simply because of some basic wardrobe hacks! One of the first things we notice about people is their style. It sends us messages on a low-key level about their cleanliness, health, maturity and compatibility.

Don't underestimate how this can upgrade your life!

And that's not to mention the serious CONFIDENCE BOOST you'll experience too.

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Let me introduce myself...

I'm Jenilee. Mom of four boys, wife of 18 years, and formerly VERY frustrated dresser. I grew up unallowed to look at fashion magazines, and my family treated "looking cute" more or less like vanity. I was the nerdy girl, who secretly wished she knew how to look... well, at least a little bit attractive!

Fast foward to my adulthood where I had my four boys back to back, and I felt like I had barely grown into my woman body, let alone figured out how to dress it.

No one prepared me for the frustration and betrayal I would feel just trying to get dressed in the morning. My clothes mocked me. My closet overwhelmed me. And deep in my heart I just wanted to feel pretty.

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Many tears and prayers later, I stumbled upon a lightbulb moment that changed my trajectory: Style can be learned!

That did it. While nursing my babies I began studying, learning, exploring and experimenting...

Apparently all the learning paid off because...

... I landed a job styling with StitchFix!

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Styling with such a wonderful company was the fast-track to learning how to help women (and men!) overcome their style hurdles in simple and doable ways.

To date, I have styled over 9,000 people!


Because in helping so many, I began to see a trend:

There were just a few important KEYS that unlocked understanding for my clients,

helping them get the transformations they were looking for.

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And these keys are what I teach in this course!

If you've felt lost and overwhelmed with your style, but you respect and value yourself enough to want a change, then come with me...

I created this workshop just for you.

It's designed to be simple and doable. You'll be so surprised how a few keys can transform your entire look & confidence.

And because it's Black Friday, if you use the code "BLACKFRIDAY"

you can get the course at only $37 instead of the $97 it normally goes for!

THAT'S 60% OFF!!!

(Shhh... don't tell anyone... or actually, tell EVERYONE!)

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Here's What You'll Learn...

Discover WHY style matters, how it impacts your life, helps you or holds you back, and that it's worth investing into.

My unique story and how I came to discover these principles.

Love your body by dressing it to HONOR your shape, not hide it, and all the tricks to do that.

Enhance your complexion by learning your best colors (and how to wear a color that's not great on you.)

Discover your own personal style and what pieces you'll need to allow that flavor to come through.

Learn lesser-known tricks to building a great outfit.  This is where "meh" turns into "wow!"

...And of course so much more!!

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What's included?

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A 35+pg. Printable

Resource Workbook

Download this 35+ page workbook that is LOADED with worksheets for practical application, resources and guides, as well as QR codes that link to EVEN MORE resources online. (Yes, I impressed even myself when I made this bad-boy). ($47 Value)

The 7 Core Training Videos

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Including "The How, What & Why of Fashion" (for motivation!), "How to Dress your Body Shape", "Finding Your Best Colors" + "Discovering Your Unique Style" & more! ($500 Value)

The VIP Email Community

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You'll be automatically adopted into my VIP email community where I send a monthly email including my favorite fashion tips, shopping links and specials to keep you looking & feeling your best! (Priceless!)

Claim Three Free Gifts With Your Order!

Wait... of COURSE there's more! (Would it be a true sales pitch if there weren't bonuses?) No, but seriously, because you're a first-time guest & thus a new friend, when you purchase my FASHION|SENSE course, I'll throw in these additional bonuses at no extra charge. (Free Downloads- immediate access!)

Spring/Summer Wardrobe Essentials Checklist that doubles as a Vacation Packing List!

Fall/Winter Wardrobe Essentials Checklist that doubles as a Vacation Packing List in cooler months.

Vacation Packing Planner- for any time of year that you travel, to make the dreaded chore of packing your outfits organized, strategic and simpler.

These bonuses make your travel-packing effortless & make you feel like you have a stylist in your back pocket. #winningatlifeagain

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What Are Clients Saying?

Nothing speaks louder than a happy client!

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Maybe you're unsure this is for you...

You're reading this and perhaps you're thinking, "Ehhh, I don't know if this is for me. I mean, my dating life is fine, I'm happy with my job, and I might not be the most stylish but I get by!" Here are a few questions I'd have for you...

Does clothes shopping stress you out because of a lack of direction? This is for you.

Do you feel excited by your wardrobe and style, or could it use a boost? (We all need a style overhaul every 3-5 years anyways!). This is for you.

Have you changed jobs recently, gotten married, had a baby, lost significant weight, or are simply in a new season of life? Your clothing is affected. This is for you.

Maybe you do pretty well in the clothing department, but you have some friends you'd like to help with some legit-style-tips! This is for you.

Do you have a daughter or younger woman in your life who could use some guidance as she matures? This would make a priceless gift that she will benefit from for years to come! The gift of confidence and loving yourself better can't be matched!

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"You'll never regret learning the things that can make your life & the lives of others better."

My "Look Better, Feel Better" Guarantee!

I know you are going to enjoy this course. However, if you complete the full course within two weeks of purchase, and don't feel it was worth what you paid, I'll refund your purchase fee. You can even keep the free downloads.

Use code "BLACKFRIDAY" to get it for $37 only through 11/27!

(it goes back up to $97 when the spell has broken).



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